Features & Details
Primary Category: Fine Art
Additional Categories Health & Fitness, Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 190

Author ········· Ally Zlatar
Medium ········· Print
Published ······ 2021
Language ······· English
ISBN ........... 9781006904400

One Body,
My Body,
No Body

One Body My Body No Body is an academic-based artist book that utilizes my personal experiences and reflective analysis of the lived experience with an eating disorder. The work takes on a unique exploration of my position as an artist and curator experiencing a series of lifelong eating disorders.

While my eating disorder began at the age of 13, I was formerly diagnosed with Anorexia with a Binge Purge Subset at the age of 17. My condition further developed into Bulimia two years later and then followed by Orthorexia within the following year. Since then, I have developed a distorted relationship with food, weight, and body image.

My central problem was not so much the external physical ramifications of the illness, but rather the internalized psychological and emotional struggles that I have experienced. My insider artist-researcher approach is pertinent within this book since there is much need to give voice to those inflicted with eating disorders and to counterbalance the detached ‘clinical’ perceptions of the illness. The reality of living with the ‘inner torment’ deriving from these diseases is unbearable. It is incredibly difficult to express how having an eating disorder can impact the self-identity and self-image of someone who is ill.

My art emerges from this personal experience of these eating disorders and how I represent my body within my artworks.

Image Credits (Left to Right)
Worshipping The Porcelain Throne,  6 x4”, Acrylic Ally Zlatar, 2022
Worshipping The Porcelain Throne 2,  6 x4”, Acrylic Ally Zlatar, 2022
Live and Die By The Scale,  6 x4”, Acrylic Ally Zlatar, 2022
Get Me Out,  6 x4”, Acrylic Ally Zlatar, 2022
Euphoria (1,2),  6 x4”, Acrylic Ally Zlatar, 2022
Suffocating in Suffering,  6 x4”, Acrylic Ally Zlatar, 2022
Without Pleasure,  6 x4”, Acrylic Ally Zlatar, 2022

the starving artist | hello.thestarvingartist@gmail.com@thestarvingartist.studio

the starving artist © 2024

All images are copyright of the atelier and the artists featured. They cannot be reproduced without explicit authorization and credits.